
The RAFA season is from July 1 through June 30. Dues are paid annually, generally in the summer, but you are welcome to renew or join at any time.

  • $15 Student membership (must be enrolled in school at least half-time)
  • $30 Adult membership
  • $35 Family membership
  • $400 Life membership (You never have to renew!)
  • $100 Corporate sponsorship

To join RAFA or renew your membership, please use this online form. At the end of the application process, you will have the option to pay your dues online (PayPal or credit card) or by check (mail in).

If you prefer to join or renew by mail, you can download and print this form. Mail your completed form along with your dues payment to the address at the bottom of the form.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Parent's name (if applicable)
You may share my name and address with RAFA sponsors
Membership Level
Note: Participation in a flute choir requires an additional flute choir fee. For details, see Flute Choirs.
Are you interested in making a tax-deductible donation?
Select all that you would like to participate in.
How will you pay?