Why should you get involved?
Membership grants you access to our concerts, masterclasses, annual Flute Fair, and other fun events for FREE! Join this statewide group of flutists today to start networking, learning, and making friendships that will last a lifetime.

The family membership is very economical and works well for families who have multiple RAFA participants. We are always happy to have several members of your family take advantage of RAFA membership. Consider this membership if you have a child, spouse, or other family member in one of the flute choirs, because if you attend one RAFA event where your family member is performing, it already saves you money!
Becoming a corporate sponsor of RAFA yields marketing benefits. In addition to having your advertisement appear in our Tune In newsletter, which is sent electronically to all of our members every month, we will list you on the Sponsors page of our website with a link to your website. We highly value our sponsors and generate lots of instrument, sheet music, and music merchandise traffic for our valued friends.