2024 – 2025 Board Elections

2024 – 2025 RAFA Slate of Officers and Board Positions

To reach quorum, we need at least 48 people to respond. So please respond and vote when you receive the election email. Every vote is essential for us to continue operations.

President: Rosene Rohrer                  
Vice-President: Catherine LeGrand 
Treasurer: Irene Burke                       
Corresponding Secretary: Kathy Hancock 
Recording Secretary: Nancy Schneeloch-Bingham 
Members-at-Large (3-yr rotating terms): 
Pamela Nelson (’19 -’22) 
Carla Copeland-Burns (’20 -’23)
Mansi Shah (’21-’24)

The following list of Appointed Positions is not included in the voting procedures, but we include the positions here for your information:

Artist Competition: Catherine LeGrand          
Development Director & Public Relations Coordinator: Andrea Luke
Flute Choirs: open position
Masterclass Coordinator: Carla Copeland-Burns
Membership Chairperson: Rosene Rohrer    
Review & Contest: Kathy Hancock 
Social Media: Lindsay Leach-Sparks
Solo & Ensemble Fest: Anne Dyke    
Student Representative: Jonathan Oldham   
Tune-In Editor / Website Manager: Kyle Owen                     
Website Design & Content: Kathy Hancock   
Virtual Event & Technical Coordinator: Kyle Owen

Please vote below: